Monday, January 5, 2009

Big GIMPin'

So, I have discovered my new favorite open-source software (sorry Microsoft!): GIMP.
It is a totally free program that works EXACTLY like Photoshop!
It even comes with a fantastic easy to manage GUI (interface) that I couldn't rave about more. A lot of open-source stuff is only navigable by true techies and that definitely isn't me. BUT I have created a few little invitation masterpieces I shall share shortly.
It took me a little while to find my way around the program but 24 hours later, I couldn't be more thrilled! The help and support is even great. Sold. (Except it's free!)

So, if you (like me) have recently been considering leaving your job to tinker around in graphic design, I suggest GIMP.

Go here to download it.


  1. Yeah, so excited you shared! I almost bought the MS one for my Mac...please don't tell Bill I own a Mac...and an ipod, and a blackberry...and the list goes on!

  2. Haha I LOVE your title for this blog...too funny :)
