Wednesday, December 17, 2008's gonna take some work

So as all of you know I hate my skin. I have fought with it since I was twelve and it always wins. With the prospect of 13 hours of photography in my future, I am freaking out. (We'll explain the 13+ hours later!)
So, I have decided to take drastic measures. I want to resurface my face! Most of my problems are scars from old tragedies (read:pimples) and apparently there are a ton of things one can do now to fix this. Here is what my research has turned up:

Apparently it's cause I'm brown!:

Post-inflammatory pigmentation is discoloration of the skin at the site of a healed or healing inflamed acne lesion. It occurs more frequently in darker-skinned people, but occasionally is seen in people with white skin. Some post-inflammatory pigmentation may persist for up to 18 months, especially with excessive sun exposure. Chemical peeling may hasten the disappearance of post-inflammatory pigmentation.

There are apparently a million different types of scars:

Ice-pick scars, Depressed fibrotic scars, Soft scars, superficial/deep, Atrophic macules,

There are also a number of treatments:
Dermabrasion. This is thought to be the most effective treatment for acne scars. Under local anesthetic, a high-speed brush or fraise used to remove surface skin and alter the contour of scars. Superficial scars may be removed altogether, and deeper scars may be reduced in depth. Dermabrasion does not work for all kinds of scars; for example, it may make ice-pick scars more noticeable if the scars are wider under the skin than at the surface. In darker-skinned people, dermabrasion may cause changes in pigmentation that require additional treatment.
Microdermabrasion. This new technique is a surface form of dermabrasion. Rather than a high-speed brush, microdermabrasion uses aluminum oxide crystals passing through a vacuum tube to remove surface skin. Only the very surface cells of the skin are removed, so no additional wound is created. Multiple procedures are often required but scars may not be significantly improved.
Vibradermabrasion tackles dull skin, fine lines and wrinkles, pore size, acne scars, and age spots. It can even help to elleviate or minimize dry or oily skin. Like other treatments such as MicroDermabrasion, Vibraderm works by sloughing off the dull, damaged top layers of the skin, Vibraderm lets the healthy glow of the newer layers appear, But Vibraderm goes farther than other treatments by also encouraging new collage production. This means that not only will the surface of your skin look better, but that it will also be more firmly supported by the deeper layers. Skin becomes less slack, and more firm and supple.

Have any of you ever had any of these treatments? Would you recommend them? Have you heard any horror stories? I am leaning towards Vibraderm because it seems the least painful. They say it has minimal redness and no swelling. It's also called a lunch time facial-that almost sounds fun!:


  1. Sara used to work at a salon that did all of that stuff, so I will ask her. I am not sure if she had any of it done.
    I have some of those scars too, but not anything major. It is very frustrating for your skin to look like crap, even though you only have a pimple or two.
    Do it early, incase anything horrible happens. Love you!

  2. I have done microdermabrasion....but its not great for getting the top layer dead skin, and cleaning stuufed pores, not sure if this is what you are looking for. This doesnt hurt....

    What about a series of chemical peels? Or laser treatments? Lasers do a lot of great things for acne and old scars.....I have done a lot of research on this, for Indian skin, so let me know if you want to chat further.

    Also, for the day of....we should all think about maybe doing airbrushed make-up...we will all look flawless the entire day and no touch ups needed.

  3. I will do my next post about make-up! I am thinking of going with a (great!) Pakistani salon in Houston and they do air-brushed make-up! (Though I don't really know the benefits of airbrushing...)


    Custom blended foundation for a perfect match
    Creates a natural looking flawless complexion
    Lasts all morning & night without re-applying
    Evens out skin tone
    Special water resistant makeup will not rub off
    Sets on contact without powder
    Skin imperfections concealed effortlessly
    Water-based makeup that is alcohol & oil free
    Hypoallergenic & will not clog pores
    Perspiration or tears will not cause streaks
    Photographs beautifully
