Friday, December 12, 2008

Photoboth vs Fauxtobooth

I have been playing with the idea of having a REAL photobooth brought in for the wedding. I think it would be fun and playful and semi-movie related.

Apparently the world of photobooth rentals is huge. They have digital photo booths~ check out or full service photo booths where a "professional" comes to man your photo booth! LoneStarPhotoBooths gives you the pictures on two DVDs, an online gallery, and props!
I do worry about the practicality of a photo booth however. If you have it for the whole reception it can cost a bundle! If you just get it for two hours, someone would have to come and dismantle it in the middle of the party. I think you could maybe get away with this if you put it in the lobby though...

BUT recently on they showed a faux-to-booth that was manned by a professional photographer. Now, you may not know this but additional photogs seem to run $200/hr so that is NOT an option for us, BUT, just look at these photos! I bet I know someone talented enough to man a faux-to-booth! Photography: Lucida Photography - Melia Sorenson
Pictures from Amber and Jeff III

These people had a school theme and it was ADORABLE! They included all of these cute props for people to pose with. I have been wracking my brain trying to think of appropriate props to make a similarly adorable faux-to booth but am coming up short...

Any ideas?

A list of probably dumb ones:
Old video camera (this one is ok)
Film reels (What does one do with these?)
Something indian...Duputtas?
A "Cut" thing from the movies



  1. Big "moviestar" sunglasses?
    I don't know anything about Bollywood movies...perhaps we should do some research? =)

  2. I think they are all cute ideas, especially the director's "cut" prop and duputtas. Here are some more random ideas:

    -directors chair (we could find a cheap one)
    -drama tragedy masks
    -movie ticket stubs
    -cool wig
    -fake mustache/beard?
    -movie award trophy:

  3. OK
    Andrea wins hands down today. And it is barely noon!
    All awesome ideas!

  4. Can you tell I'm not in school and need a job?!

  5. -toy snakes (snake charmers)
    -gold maracas
    -belly dancing hip scarves
